The world changed in 2020. Yes, it’s a dramatic statement, but true. Every single person, world over, had to make some sort of adjustment when the Coronavirus pandemic hit their country.
As a self-employed singing teacher, and wife of a full-time musician we needed to find a way to continue working to survive, and like most people I took my business online. During those early months of Covid, we both learned a whole new way of working, teaching online, running our choir online, recording virtual ensemble songs with accompanying videos, running singing and teaching groups on Facebook. By the end of 2020 I had learned a whole host of new skills.

If 2020 was the year of learning, 2021, for me, was a year of self-development. I decided to invest in a life coach, and in January I started a 12-week group mindset mastery course run by Suzanne James.
I’ve always been a goal setter, BUT a very average goal getter. Brilliant at making lists and saying, “I’m going to”, BUT an absolute first-class procrastinator! What I could never figure out was what was holding me back?
Looking back to 2020, what I realised was that I jumped online with my business because I was forced to. There was no time to be fearful, no time to hesitate, I needed to find a way to keep my business going and it needed to happen NOW. What I had was an extremely powerful ‘why’. Going online was like opening Pandora’s box! I could see a world of opportunities to grow and reach out to a whole new audience and working with a coach helped me to stay on track, fight my fears, act on my goals, gave me accountability and dig deep to discover more about myself and why I had been so great at putting things off in the past. Where was the fear coming from? Only by discovering these things could I start to peel away the layers and discover my true potential.
By the end of the 12-week program I had launched an online teaching academy, started selling online workshops, built a website and significantly increased my income. My creative juices were flowing, I was on a roll, and I wasn’t ready for the journey to end.
When the opportunity arose to join Suzanne’s Mastermind programme, I decided it was time to really invest in myself and my business, something I have never done before. Suzanne also offered me the opportunity to train with her as an NLP Practitioner, something that has been on my ‘to do’ list for many years. As well as helping with my student’s mindset and confidence, my NLP practitioners course has really instilled in me the power of positive thinking and given me a whole host of strategies to help me when I have a bit of a wobble.
Another important coach who came back into my life last year is my voice coach,
Anne-Marie Speed at The Voice Explained. I first started training as an Estill Master Trainer with Anne-Marie 10 years ago. Unfortunately, at the time, I was unable to see it through to the end. I reconnected with Anne-Marie again through her online courses, and instantly knew I wanted to get back on the pathway. I restarted my EMT training in September and will be blogging about my journey throughout the year. I must also mention the fabulous Katie Colella, a business mentor who has been coaching me with all the technical side of my business, landing pages, Facebook Ads, Email software, things I would never had dared tackle by myself in the past, and my brilliant web designer Clare Reaney at Sidekick, both who have been an invaluable part of my ongoing growth.
Like many people, at the end of each year I always take some time to reflect. What went right and why? What wasn’t so great and why? What can I do better? How am I limiting myself? Where am I heading to now?
Whilst 2021 handed me some challenges, personally and professionally, it also handed me some very special gifts, not least of which are the coaches I’ve been working with and the subsequent peer groups I am now surrounded by who offer me constant inspiration.
I’d like to finish this – my first blog ever, with my 3 top tips for 2022.
Surround yourself with the right people. Follow the dreamers, the believers, and the doers. Connect with the people who inspire you and surround yourself with your cheerleaders, the ones who want you to succeed.
Watch your language! What we say to ourselves has a direct impact on our external world. Keep your language positive.
Take Action. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. What needs to change? Take absolute 100% responsibility and do just one thing that will take you towards your deepest desires.
Hi Marie, thank you for your inspirational story and motivating tips for 2022. Francesca